
Book Publishing

Robert Lee Brewer, Writer’s Market 2019: The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published, Writer’s Digest Books (98th ed., 2018).

Tad Crawford and Kay Murray, The Writer’s Legal Guide, Allworth Press (2013).

Richard Curtis, This Business of Publishing, Open Road Media (2014).

Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry, The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published: How to Write it, Sell it, and Market it…Successfully, Workman Publishing Company (2010).

Marl A. Fischer, E Gabrel Perle, John Taylor Williams, Publishing Law, Wolters Kluwer 3rd ed. (2019).

Jane Friedman, Publishing 101: A First-Time Author’s Guide to Getting Published, Marketing and Promoting Your Book, and Building a Successful Career, MBA for Writers, (2014).

Thomas Woll, Publishing for Profit: Successful Bottom-Line Management for Publishers, Chicago Review Press (5th ed., 2014).

X.M. Frascogna, Jr., Shawnassey B. Howell and H. Lee Hetherington, Entertainment Law for the General Practitioner, American Bar Association (2012).

Patricia Fry. Promote Your Book. Allworth Press (2011).

Electronic and Video Gaming

Gregory S. Boyd et al., Video Game Law: Everything you need to Know about Legal and Business Issues in the Game Industry, ak Peters/CRC Press (1st ed., 2018).

Ross Dannenberg, The American Bar Association’s Legal Guide to Video Game Development, American Bar Association (Pap/Cdr ed., 2012).

Ross Dannenberg, Legal Guide to Video Game Development, American Bar Association (2d ed., 2016).

Jon Festinger, Video Game Law, LexisNexis/Butterworths (2d ed. 2012).

Ashley Lipson and Robert Brain, Videogame Law: Cases, Statutes, Forms, Problems & Materials, Carolina Academic Press (2d ed., 2016).

Dan Nabel, Video Game Law in a Nutshell, West Academic Publishing (1st. ed., 2018).

Regulated Gaming Law

Anthony Cabot and Keith Miller, The Law of Gambling and Regulated Gaming: Cases and Materials, Carolina Academic Press (Slp ed., 2011).

Anthony Cabot and Ngai Pindell, Regulating Internet Gaming: Challenges and Opportunities, UNLV Gaming Press (2013).

Walter Champion Jr. and I. Nelson Rose, Gaming Law in a Nutshell, West Academic Publishing (2nd ed., 2018).

Robert Nersesian, The Law for Gamblers: A Legal Guide to the Casino Environment, Huntington Press (2016).

Rose, I. Nelson Rose and Martin D. Owens Jr., Internet Gaming Law, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers (2d ed., Revised and Expanded, 2009).

Internet, Traditional and New Media

Ryan Garcia and Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister, Social Media Law in a Nutshell, West Academic Publishing (1st ed. 2017).

Glen Gilmore, Social Media Law for Business: A Practical Guide for Using Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Blogs Without Stepping on Legal Land Mines (2014).

Mark A. Lemley et al., Software and Internet Law, Aspen Publishers (4th rev. ed., 2011).

Peter S. Menell et al., Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age 2019: Vol 11 Copyrights, Trademarks and State IP Protections, Clause 8 Publishing (2019).

Robert P. Merges et al., Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, Aspen Publishers (6th ed., 2012).

Michael L. Rustad, Global Internet Law in a Nutshell, West Academic Publishing (4th ed., 2019).

Daxton Stewart, Social Media and the Law: A Guidebook for Communication Students and Professionals, (2d ed. 2017).

Alan Wolk, Over the Top: How the Internet is (Slowly but Surely) Changing the Television Industry, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2015).

Genelle I. Belmas et al., Major Principles of Media Law: 2019 Edition, Wadsworth Publishing (2018).

Kathleen Conkey, Elissa D. Hecker, and Pamela C. Jones, eds., Counseling Content Providers in the Digital Age: A Handbook for Lawyers, New York State Bar Association (2010).

Anita Elberse, Blockbusters: Hit-making, Risk-taking, and the Big Business of Entertainment, Henry Holt and Co. (1st ed., 2013).

Richard L. Fox, Tabloid Justice: Criminal Justice in the Age of Media Frenzy, Lynne Rienner Pub. (2d ed., 2007).

Laurent Garzaniti, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and the Internet: E.U. Competition Law and Regulation, Sweet and Maxwell (3rd ed., 2010).

Joseph J. Hemmer, Communication Law: The Supreme Court and the First Amendment, University Press of America (Rev. ed. 2006).

Kent Middleton et al, The Law of Public Communication, Routledge (9th ed., 2016).

Jonathan E. Nuechterlin, Digital Crossroads: Telecommunications Law and Policy in the Internet Age, MIT Press (2d ed. 2013).

Wayne Overbeck et. al., Major Principles of Media Law, Wadsworth Publishing (2016).

Don R. Pember, Mass Media Law, McGraw Hill (20th ed. 2018).

Jeffrey C. Ulin, The Business of Media Distribution: Monetizing Film, TV, and Video Content in an Online World, Focal Press (3d ed., 2019).

Motion Pictures and Television

Dina Appleton and Daniel Yankelevits, Hollywood Dealmaking: Negotiating Talent Agreements For Film, TV, and Digital Media, Allworth Press (3d ed., 2018).

Ken Basin, The Business of Television, Routledge (1st ed. 2018).

Paul Battista and Hayley Hughes, Reality Television Contracts: How to Negotiate the Best Deal, Allworth Press (2016).

Howard J. Blumenthal and Oliver R. Goodenough, This Business of Television, Billboard Books (4th ed., 2006).

Thomas A. Crowell, The Pocket Lawyer For Filmmakers, Focal Press, (2d ed., 2011).

Bill Daniels, David Leedy and Steven Sills. Movie Money: Understanding Hollywood’s (Creative) Accounting Practices. Silman-James Press.(2nd ed. 2006).

Michael Donaldson and Lisa Callif, ABA’s Legal Guide to Independent Filmmaking, American Bar Association (2011).

Micahel Donaldson, Clearance & Copyright: Everything You Need to Know for Film and Television, Silman-James Press (4th ed., 2014).

Gunnar Erickson, Harris Tulchin and Mark Halloran, The Independent Film Producer’s Survival Guide – A Business and Legal Sourcebook, Schirmer Trade Books (3d ed., 2010).

Jon Garon, Entertainment Law and Practice, Carolina Academic Press (2d ed., 2014).

John L. Geiger and Howard Suber, Creativity and Copyright: Legal Essentials for Screenwriters and Creative Artists, University of California Press (1st ed., 2019).

Eve Light Honthaner, The Complete Film Production Handbook, Focal Press (4th ed., 2012).

John Lee and Anne Marie Gillen, The Producer’s Business Handbook: The Roadmap for the Balanced Film Producer, Focal Press (4th ed., 2017).

Louise Levinson, Filmmakers and Financing, Focal Press (8th ed., 2016).

Mark Litwak, Dealmaking in the Film & Television Industry: From Negotiations to Final Contracts, Silman-James Press, (4th ed., 2017).

Mark Litwak, Contracts for the Entertainment and Television Industry, Silman-James Press (3rd Expanded ed., 2012).

Philip Miller, Media Law for Producers, Focal Press (4th ed., 2013).

Schuyler M. Moore, The Biz: The Basic Business, Legal and Financial Aspects of the Film Industry in a Digital World, Silman-James Press (5th ed., 2018).

Tony Morris, The Filmmakers Legal Guide, Brown Dog Books (UK) (2nd ed. 2019) - (print and Kindle versions).

Robert J. Sciglimpaglia Jr., Voice Over LEGAL, VoiceOverXTRA (2012).

Ellen Seiter and Bill Seiter, The Creative Artist’s Legal Guide: Copyright, Trademark and Contracts in Film and Digital Media Production, Yale University Press (2012).

Andrew Sparrow, Film and Television Distribution and the Internet: A Legal Guide for the Media Industry, Routledge (2016).

Jason Squire, Movie Business Book, Routledge (4th ed., 2017).

Motion Picture Finance

Bill Daniels et al., Movie Money: Understanding Hollywood’s (Creative) Accounting Practices, Silman-James Press, (wd ed., 2006).

Carole Lee Dean, The Art of Film Funding: Alternative Funding Concepts, Michael Wise Productions (2d ed., 2012)

Edward J. Epstein, The Hollywood Economist 2.0: The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies, Melville House (2d ed., 2012).

Gordon Firemark, 6 Ways to Finance a Feature Film Project, FPG Media (1st ed. 2011).

Jon Garon, The Independent Filmmaker’s Law & Business Guide to Financing, Shooting and Distributing Independent and Digital Films, Chicago Review Press (2d ed., 2009).

Louise Levison. Filmmakers and Financing. Routledge (8th ed. 2016).

Mark Litwak, Risky Business: Financing and Distributing Independent Films, Hampstead Enterprises, Inc. (2nd rev., enlarged ed., 2009).

Mark Litwak, Contracts for the Film and Television Industry. Silman-James Press. Expanded Ed. 2012.

Schuyler M. Moore, The Biz: The Basic Business, Legal and Financial Aspects of the Film Industry in a Digital World, Silman-James Press (5th ed., 2018).

Music Industry

Sound Recording, Touring and Marketing

David Baskerville, Ph.D, Music Business Handbook and Career Guide, Sage Publications, Inc., (11th ed., 2016).

Bobby Borg, The Musician’s Handbook: A Practical Guide to Understanding the Music Business, Billboard Books (Rev. ed., 2008).

Jeff Brabec and Todd Brabec, Music, Money and Success, Schirmer Trade Books (2018).

Robert R. Faulkner, Hollywood Studio Musicians: Their Work and Careers in the Recording Industry, Routledge (2017) (ebook).

Greg Forest, The Music Business Contract Library. Hal Leonard. (2008).

John R. Gamble, Michael Brennan, and Rodney McAdam, A Rewarding Experience? Exploring How Crowdfunding Is Affecting Music Industry Business Models, 70 ScienceDirect 25-36 (2017).

Jeri Goldstein, How To Be Your Own Booking Agent: The Musician’s & Performing Artist’s Guide to Successful Touring, The New Music Times, Inc. (Rev. ed., 2008).

Mark Halloran, The Musician's Business & Legal Guide, Routledge (5th ed., 2017).

Ariel Hyatt and Carla Lynne Hall, Musician’s Roadmap to Facebook and Twitter- A Complete Guide to Getting Liked, Followed, and Heard, Ariel Publicity, Artist Relations, and Booking, LLC (1st ed., 2011).

Ariel Hyatt, Music Success in Nine Weeks, Ariel Publicity, Artist Relations, and Booking, LLC (3rd ed., 2012).

Mike King. Music Marketing: Press, Promotion, Distribution, and Retail, Berklee Press. (2009).

Richard Kirstein, Music Rights Without Fights: The Smart Marketer’s Guide to Buying Music for Brand Campaigns, Rethink Press Limited (2015).

Al Kohn and Bob Kohn, Kohn on Music Licensing, Aspen Publishers (5th ed., 2018).

M. William Krasilovsky and Sidney Shemel, This Business of Music: The Definitive Guide to the Business and Legal Issues of the Music Industry, Watson-Guptill Publications (10th ed., 2007).

Stan J. Liebowitz, How Much of the Decline in Sound Recording Sales is Due to File-Sharing?, 40 Journal of Cultural Economics, 1, 13-28 (2014).

David Naggar, The Music Business (Explained in Plain English): What Every Artist & Songwriter Should Know to Avoid Getting Ripped Off!, Daje Publishing (4th ed., 2013).

Stephen W. Nebgen and Wendy K. Akbar, Entertainment Law: Music: (Or, How to Rock and Roll in the Rock Industry), Body Electric Press (1st ed., 2014).

Kevin Parks. Music and Copyright in America: Toward the Celestial Jukebox ABA Books (Reprint Ed. 2014).

Donald S. Passman, All You Need to Know About the Music Business, Simon & Schuster (10th ed., 2019).

Henry H. Perritt, Jr., New Business Models for Music, 18 Vill. Sports & Ent. L. J. 63 (2011).

Clyde Philip Rolston, Amy Macy, Tom Hutchinson, and Paul Allen, Record Label Marketing: How Music Companies. Brand and Market Artists in the Digital Era, Routledge (3d ed. 2015).

Richard Schulenburg, Legal Aspects of the Music Industry. Billboard Books (Revised Ed. 2005).

Richard Stim, Music Law: How To Run Your Band's Business, NOLO (8th ed., 2015).

Peter M. Thall, What They’ll Never Tell You About the Music Business: The Complete Guide for Musicians, Songwriters, Producers, Managers, Industry Executives, Attorneys, Investors, and Accountants, Watson-Guptill Publications (Rev. ed., 2016).

Jay Warner, How To Have Your Hit Song Published, Hal Leonard Publishing Corp. (Rev. ed., 2006).

Andrew D. Wixen, The Plain and Simple Guide to Music. Hal Leonard Books (3rd Ed. 2014).

Music Publishing

Michael Brae, New Channels of Music Distribution, Routledge (2017).

Jesse Cannon and Todd Thomas, Get More Fans: The DIY Guide to the New Music Business, MusFormation (2019 ed.).

Audrey K. Chisholm, Run Your Music Business: How to License your Music, Negotiate Contracts, Pay Business Taxes & Work Full-Time in Music, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (1st ed., 2014).

Greg Forest, The Music Business Contract Library, Hal Leonard (Pap/Cd red., 2008).

Helen Gammons, The Art of Music Publishing: An Entrepreneurial Guide to Publishing and Copyright for the Music, Film and Media Industries, Focal Press (1st ed., 2011).

Ari Herstand, How to Make It in the New Music Business: Practical Tips on Building a Loyal Following and Making a Living as a Musician, Liveright (1st ed., 2016).

Mike King, Music Marketing: Press, Promotion, Distribution, and Retail, Berklee Press (2009).

Sarah Lowndes, The DIY Movement in Art, Music and Publishing, Routledge (2016).

John Seabrook, The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory, W. W. Norton & Company (1st ed., 2016).

Ruth Towse, Economics of Music Publishing: Copyright and the Market, 41 J. of Cultural Econ. 4 (2017).

Brooke Wentz. Hey, That’s My Music: Music Supervision, Licensing, and Content Acquisition. (Hal Leonard. 2007).

Darren Wilsey & Daylle Deanna Schwartz, The Musician's Guide to Licensing Music: How to Get Your Music into Film, TV, Advertising, Digital Media & Beyond, Billboard Books (1st ed., 2010).

Steve Winogradsky, Music Publishing: The Complete Guide, Alfred Music (2013).

Randall, D. Wixen, The Plain and Simple Guide to Music Publishing: What you need to know about protecting and profiting from Music Copyrights, Hal Leonard Books (3rd ed., 2014).


Roger I. Abrams, Sports Justice: The Law and the Business of Sports, Northeastern (2010).

Stuart Banner, The Baseball Trust: A History of Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption, Oxford University Press (2014).

Nicholas D. Bowman et al., Fantasy Sports and the Changing Media Industry: Media, Players, and Society, Lexington Books (2016).

Peter A. Carfagna, Representing The Professional Athlete, West Academic Publishing (3d. ed., 2018).

Grant A. Driessen and Steven M. Sheffrin, Agglomeration, Tax Differentials, and the Mobility of Professional Athletes, Pub. Fin. Rev. (2016).

Marc Edelman, Regulating Fantasy Sports: A Practical Guide to State Gambling Laws, and a Proposed Framework for Future State Legislation, 92 Ind. L.J. 653 (2017).

Marc Isenberg, Money Players: A Guide to Succeed in Sports, Business & Life for Current and Future Pro AthletesA-Game Publishing (1st ed., 2007).

Nathaniel Grow, Regulating Professional Sports Leagues, 72 Wash & Lee L. Rev. 572 (2015).

Darren A. Heitner, How to Play the Game: What Every Sports Attorney Needs to Know, American Bar Association (2d ed., 2019).

Michael E. Jones, Sports Law: Rules of the Game, Rowman & Littlefield (2016).

Dionne L. Koller, Putting Public Law into “Private” Sport, 43 Pepp. L. Rev. 681 (2016).

Jane Leavy, Sandy Koufax: A Lefty’s Legacy, Harper Perennial (Reissue ed., 2010).

Arthur Miller and Jodi Balsam, Athlete Activism and Sports Social Responsibility, 28 J. Legal Aspects Sport 118 (2018).

Matthew J. Mitten, Sports Law in the United States, Wolters Kluwer (3d ed., 2017).

Matthew J. Mitten et al., Sports Law: Governance and Regulation, Wolters Kluwer (2d ed., 2016).

Landmark Publications, Sports Law: Contemporary Decisions (2011).

Lisa A. Sharp et al., Sport Law: A Managerial Approach, Routledge (3d ed., 2014).

Weiler and Roberts, Sports and the Law, West Academic Publishing (5th ed., 2015).


Elias, S. P. Elias, The Law of Theater Tickets, Leopold Classic Library (2015).

Donald C. Farber. From Option to Opening. Limelight Editions (Updated ed. 2005).

Daniel, C. Farber, Producing Theatre: A Comprehensive and Legal Business Guide, Limelight Editions (3rd ed., 2006).

Charles Grippo, Business and Legal Forms for Theater, Business and Legal Forms Series, Allworth Press (1st ed., 2013).

Charles Grippo, The Stage Producer’s Business and Legal Guide, Allworth Press (2d ed., 2019).

Ben Hodges and Frederic B. Vogel. The Commercial Theater Institute Guide to Producing Plays and Musicals. Applause. (2007).

Robert Jarvis, et al. Theatre Law. Carolina Academic Press (2004).

Alan Read, Theater and Law, Palgrave, (1st ed., 2015).

Karen-Margrethe Simonsen, Law and Justice in Literature, Film and Theater, de Gruyter (2013).

Visual Arts and Graphic Design

Tad Crawford, Business and Legal Forms for Fine Artists, Allworth Press (4 Pap/Cd red., 2014).

Tad Crawford, Legal Guide for the Visual Artist, Allworth Press (5th ed., 2010).

Alexandra J. Darraby, Art, Artifact, Architecture, & Museum Law, Clark Boardman Callaghan, (2014).

Daniel Grant, The Business of Being an Artist, Allworth Press (5th ed., 2015).

Graphics Artists Guild, Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines Graphic Artists Guild, (15th ed., 2018).

Michael E. Jones, Art Law: A Concise Guide for Artists, Curators and Art Educators, Rowan & Littlefield (2016).

Joan Kee, Models of Integrity: Art and Law in Post-Sixties America, University of California Press (1st ed., 2019).

Ralph E. Lerner and Judith Bressler, Art Law: The Guide for Collectors, Investors, Dealers & Artists, Practicing Law Institute, (4th ed., 2013).

Desmond Manderson, Law and the Visual: Representations, Technologies, Critique, University of Toronto Press (1st ed., 2018).

Entertainment Industry Taxation

Grant A. Driessen and Steven M. Sheffrin, Agglomeration, Tax Differentials, and the Mobility of Professional Athletes, Pub. Fin. Rev. (2016).

Schuyler M. Moore, Taxation of the Entertainment Industry, CCH Inc. (2015).

Schuyler M. Moore, The Biz: The Basic Business, Legal, and Financial Aspects of the Film Industry, Silman-James Press (5th ed., 2018).

Entertainment Litigation

Sherri Burr, Entertainment Law: Cases and Materials in Established and Emerging Media, West Academic Publishing (2nd ed., 2017).

Robert Fremlin, Entertainment Law, Clark Boardman Callaghan (Revised 1st ed., 2006).

Charles J. Harder, Entertainment Litigation, Oxford (2011).

Charles J. Harder, Entertainment Law & Litigation, LexisNexis (2017).

Peter Herbert, Entertainment Litigation, CLE Publications, New York State Bar Association (2007).

Terence P. Ross, Intellectual Property Law: Damages and Remedies, Law Journal Press (Lslf ed., 2016).

Professional Practice and Ethics in Entertainment Law

David S. Caudill, Sports and Entertainment Agents and Agent-Attorneys: Discourses and Conventions Concerning Crossing Jurisdictional and Professional Boarders, 43 Akron L. Rev. 697 (2010).

John P. Sahl and Kenneth J. Abdo, Entertainment Law Ethics, Counseling Clients in the Entertainment Industry, 1413-1466, Practicing Law Institute (2004).

John P. Sahl and Kenneth J. Abdo, Professional Responsibility and Representing a Musical Group, in Counseling Clients in the Entertainment Industry, 1467-1480, Practicing Law Institute (2004).